Reporter from "Rider" Magazine

Saturday the reporter from "Rider" Magazine came to report on the rally. He came back a couple times in order to catch more VROCers "at home" but most were out on rides. He took a bunch of pictures though. When I get the word on when the article is going to appear in the magazine, I'll let everyone know.

I'm going to stick some rally trivia in here as well. I know not everyone is into this statistical stuff, but I find it interesting.
We had six VROCers that I guess you could call "old timers": Lowest number in attendance was Viper (#151). Other attendees who have numbers that are three digits: Sherm (#363), Nickels (#555), Maccs (#657), UteMike (#955) and Howie (#993).

Highest number in attendance was Laura G, (#27459).

137 people signed in at the rally. There were some there who didn't sign in.

Rainman and Kudzu came the longest distances by motorcycle, Rainman from Georgia, Kudzu from North Carolina. Jim Lindsey and Sherm came from the closest, both live in Coos Bay.

The youngest attendee was Patience, age 12. I don't know who the oldest was.