That's Diana (GypsyCat) and Howie (Deerslayer) from the back. There's a story to these matching coats. Howie is from Stockton. He was cold much of the rally. At the General Store he found this coat, $39.99. Diana thought it was nice, he told her the coats were $25 each if you bought two, so they went back and she got one. The store honored the $25 each price. Here they are walking to lunch at the Boat Basin. This seems like a good place to mention how wonderful it was to see Howie again. He had a bad accident a few years ago on the way home from a rally (hit a deer) and was seriously injured. Really seriously. Howie is one of my favorite people and I wish I got to see him more often.
Frank from Frank's Leathers had a small stand set up near the Beach House on Friday and Saturday. He sells very nice custom made leather accessories for bikes. I understand he did a pretty good business. Of course, you can contact him by phone, mail or email if you wish to order from him. I'm trying to keep my bike free of doodads, so I resisted for a couple days, but on Saturday afternoon I finally ordered a tank bib from Frank. No fringe-y stuff, no braid, no pocket, no conchos...but he did say he will use blue stitching on it.
Diana (GypsyCat), Dutch and Howie hanging around Diana's blue 800 Classic. Great color, nice bike. I see Howie has his coat off. Friday afternoon it was actually warm in Charleston. Not hot. Warm.